Meyboom Artist-
Run Spaces

Meyboom is an artist run-space that brings together a community of individuals and collectives working in different fields that formed over the years since 2013.

Looking for new cohabitant

We have a vacancy at our Meyboom Artist-Run Spaces collective! As well as taking a workspace, it involves being an active member in our community. Our workspace is currently located close to South Station. We offer a desk space in a small, locked room shared with two other people working in the audiovisual arts.

We also have a kitchen, bike racks, a meeting room and jitsiroom, heating and nice plants. You'd be expected to contribute to the collective management by a team task of your choice, and respect our inclusive values. Monthly rent: 114,29€ all included.

Desk Fusion Space

Notice we are actively looking for a new location with more space and possibilities soon. Read about our vision here

If you're interested: get in touch through, explaining a bit about yourself, and why you're interested in joining a collectivity such as ours.